As they say, don’t love your job, love your work then you will never have to work and the life is too short to follow our passions. 🙂
Though, I am not a trained cook neither I am a foodie, it is just that I always had an inclination towards cooking and this is something which gives me a real happiness and it really took me long to realise where my heart lies…LOL 🙂
I do not have a sweet tooth and I am much of a thinker before I eat anything but interests towards flavors & spices encouraged me to start this blog.
My interest towards cooking generated 6 years back when my son was born. My taste buds were completely upside down after having a baby and I did not use to eat anything my house cook used to prepare. Then, I decided to take the charge of my kitchen and to start cook as per my tastes and choices. Gradually, I developed interest towards Indian cooking and slowly it turned into my passion.

I have always been a firm believer that there is nothing better and healthier than a hygienic home cooked food. Me and my family always prefer home food over the outside food and it gives me an immense happiness when I see my son demanding and enjoying anything cooked by me.
My 6 year old son is my real admirer and a critic. 😀
All the recipes and photos shown in the blog are completely my own, original, tried and enjoyed by my family. I have tried to be as elaborative as possible to make the recipes easy to understand.
If you like or try any of my recipes, please do let me know and I will be more than happy to receive any comments, suggestions and feedback from you.

If you have any queries or anything to share please mail me at: I would love to hear from you. 😊 You can also follow my Facebook and Instagram pages.